South Austin foodie favorite, Sugar Mama’s Bakeshop, just celebrated their 2nd birthday with another huge backyard party! My how time flies – it feels like just a few months back we celebrated their 1st birthday party in style with a crazy pie eating contest!
Even though there was no pie eating contest this year, we had something even better… CUPCAKE CANNON! That’s right… there was the shooting of pastry product out of a large bazooka-like contraption for prizes.
Click through to see more photos from the party and to learn more about the cupcake cannon
When it comes to Japanese food in Austin, Uchi is the one restaurant is always mentioned and universally praised by foodies. For my 30th birthday, I decided to head to the nationally acclaimed restaurant to celebrate and find out what all the hype was about.
I wasn’t disappointed one bit. Having been to Uchiko and really liking the food there, I have to say that Uchi feels a even notch or two more refined.
Here’s a quick photo essay that depicts the Uchi 5 course Omakase tasting menu, which our waiter described as “the greatest hits” of Uchi’s menu. I enjoyed my Uchi experience immensely and hope you enjoy the photos.
Click through to see more photos from Uchi

The great poet Boris Pasternak once said that “surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” Well my friends that may be true, but life can bring us unwanted surprises too.
Several years ago, while TastingBuds Peter and Jon were sipping on after work beers, an unexpected visitor… well… plopped out to greet them.
Click on through to read more about our unwanted dinner guest
Discovering food together with friends, one delicious bite at a time